forestdynR - Calculate Forest Dynamics
Determines the dynamics of tree species communities
(mortality rates, recruitment, loss and gain in basal area, net
changes and turnover). Important notes are a) The 'forest_df'
argument (data) must contain the columns 'plot' (plot
identification), 'spp' (species identification), DBH_1
(Diameter at breast height in first year of measure) and DBH_2
(Diameter at breast height in second year of measure). DBH_1
and DBH_2 must be numeric values; b) example input file in
'data(forest_df_example)'; c) The argument 'inv_time'
represents the time between inventories, in years; d) The
'coord' argument must be of the type 'c(longitude, latitude)',
with decimal degree values; e) Argument 'add_wd' represents a
dataframe with wood density values (g cm-3) format with three
columns ('genus', 'species', 'wd'). This argument is set to
NULL by default, and if isn't provided, the wood density will
be estimated with the getWoodDensity() function from the
'BIOMASS' package.